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Die Regierung im Frühjahr 2003

Amt / Ministerium

PM / Minister


Prime Minister's Office Ariel Sharon Avigdor Itzhaky
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sylvan Shalom Avi Gil
Ministry of Defense Shaul Mofaz Gen. Amos Yaron
Ministry of Finance Benjamin Netanyahu Ohad Marni
Ministry of Justice Tommy Lapid Aharon Abramovich.
of Education, Culture and sport
Limor Livnat Ronit Tirosh
of Labor and Social Affairs
Zevulun Orlev Yizhak Chazan
Ministry of Internal Affairs Abraham Poraz Mordechi Mordechi
Ministry of Communications Ariel Sharon Uri Olnik
Ministry of Transportation Avigdor Lieberman Ben Zion Slman
of Construction and Housing
Effi Eitam Avigdor Maoz
Ministry of Health Danny Naveh Boaz Lev
Ministry of Industry and Trade Ehud Olmert Amir Haik
Ministry of Religious Affairs Ariel Sharon Moshe Shimoni
Ministry of Internal Security Tzahi Hanegbi Avner Barazani
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Yisrael Katz Yizhak Lidor
of National Infrastructure
Joseph Paritzky Yair Maian
of Science and Technology
Eliezaer Zandberg Arie Shumer
Ministry of Environment Yehudith Naot Yizhak Goren
Ministry of Tourism Binyamin Elon Moshe Rigel
of Immigration and Absorption
Tzipi Livni Ronen Plot
(Resp. Jerusalem Affairs)
Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky -
Minister without Portfolio Meir Shetrit  
Minister without Portfolio Gideon Ezra  
minister without portfolio Uzi Landau  

hagalil.com 03-03-03

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