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"The path to peace is through the return of the refugees to the State of Palestine and the return of the settlers to the State of Israel"

PM - February 16, 2002 - Over 15,000 activists participated in the march and rally organized by Peace Now and the Peace Coalition in Tel-Aviv this evening, under the slogan "Get Out of the Territories - Get Back to Ourselves." (see Reuters photo: www.peace-now.org).

One of the highlights of the rally was the speech, in Hebrew, given by Dr. Sari Nusseibeh. "The path to peace is through the return of the refugees to the State of Palestine and the return of the settlers to the State of Israel," Nusseibeh said.

As the march commenced, news arrived of the atrocious suicide bombing in the West Bank. The aim of our protest movement is to struggle for a political solution that will break this terrible cycle of violence. While this weekend's violent events will undoubtedly push the rally into the margins of the media agenda, it is only the first in a long series of major street activities. Judging by the energy and atmosphere we felt on streets of Tel-Aviv this evening, it is just a matter of time before hundreds of thousands fill Rabin square again.

Peace Now and the Peace Coalition would like to thank the Coalition of Women for Just Peace, Taayush and Gush Shalom for their outstanding support and cooperation.

Further information:
Press: Didi Remez will be out of the country over the next few days, please contact Moria Shlomot at 972-54-322834.

Der Duft des Aufbruchs liegt in der Luft:
Hunderte, Tausende und mehr
Die israelische Friedensbewegung teilt sich, um zu siegen...

Der Frieden ist eine Existenzfrage:
In einem zersplitterten Land
Proklamierte Friedenswilligkeit bedeutet noch lange nicht wirkliche Friedensbereitschaft, und es ist zu fürchten, dass große Teile der israelischen Gesellschaft sich über diesen Zusammenhang noch nicht klar geworden sind...



Wenn Ihr es wollt, ist es kein Traum:
... but I'm not the only one!
Tausende demonstrieren in Tel Aviv für ein Ende der Besatzung...

The rally was a good one:
The Square was full of People
Von allen hervorragenden Reden an diesem Abend, war die von Yishai Rosen-Tzvi die eindrucksvollste: "Es gibt Dinge, die ein anständiger Mensch nicht tut"...

haGalil onLine 18-02-2002

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