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Rosch Chodesch Nisan:
J'akow trifft seinen Bruder Esav


Wie die JERUSALEM POST berichtet, haben die beiden Oberrabbiner Israels, Israel Lau und Eliahu Bakshi Doron, den heutigen Mittwoch zu einem besonderen Gebets- und Fasttag erklärt. Hintergrund sind das anhaltende Blutvergiessen und die sich verschlimmernde Sicherheitslage.

Um 16:15 Uhr wird an der Klagemauer zusammen mit den Oberrabbinern ein Gebet abgehalten. Außerdem wird eine Sonderlesung aus der Torah vorgenommen und das Shofarhorn geblasen werden. Bei dem Gottesdienst wird auch ein Gebet für den Frieden in der Welt von Rabbiner Lau vorgetragen werden, das zur Beendigung des Hasses aufruft, der die ganze Welt und seine Bewohner bedroht.

Die Obberrabbiner und der oberste rabbinische Rat riefen auch die Juden in der ganzen Welt dazu auf, diesen Tag mit besonderen Gebeten sowie Bussgebeten und Psalmlesungen zu begehen.

This Wednesday, March 13th, Erev Rosh Chodesh, has been proclaimed as a day of prayer and fasting for Jews throughout the world from daybreak to nightfall.

The situation in Israel is drastic and many religious leaders have called on all Jews to do what they can to help. Fasting and prayers have always been an essential Jewish response to such dreadful circumstances.

This is a way to do something. Whatever your political views, such acts reflect our deepest commitments and our faith. In our hunger we are constantly reminded of the difficulties we are facing. In our prayers we ask God for help in the way only God knows.

The classic precedent for this action is the night before Ya'akov was to meet his brother again after twenty years apart. War was a realistic possibility. He took three steps which the Sages saw as the model for a Jewish response to potential tragedy:

1. Ya'akov sent gifts to appease his brother - i.e. he made an attempt to avert the crises by offering a hand of friendship and peace.
2. Ya'akov divided his camp to ensure survival - i.e. he took the necessary steps to defend his family and people.
3. Ya'akov prayed to God - i.e. he turned to the Creator to help and guide him.

Israel continues to try to negotiate some kind of peace. Israel continues to defend its people. Now we must also pray for help - for our country, for our people and for ourselves.

If you do not fast well for a whole day, do what you can. Say the tefillot that mean most to you. Communal services are also taking place at many shuls and other venues.

Please, if you can, pass this adress / email on.
The URL is: http://www.nahost-politik.de/friedensverhandlungen/fasten.htm

BeShalom uw'Esrath haShem!

haGalil onLine 12-03-2002

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