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Am Montag wurde die Leiche des israelischen Hauptgefreiten Oleg Shaichat in einem Olivenhain bei Kfar Kana vergraben aufgefunden. Der 20-jährige aus Nazareth-Illith war seit Montag (21. Juni) vermisst.

Kfar Kana ist ein arabisches Dorf in Untergaliläa. Nach ersten Ermittlungen geht die Polizei davon aus, dass Shaichat an der Beit Rimon Kreuzung entführt und in einem nahegelegenen Feld ermordet wurde. Offenbar handelt es sich um ein nationalistisch motiviertes Verbrechen. Ob es sich bei den Tätern um israelische Araber oder um Palästinenser handelt, kann zum Zeitpunkt noch nicht gesagt werden. Die Leiche wurde am Montag von freiwilligen Helfern gefunden. (Ha'aretz / israel.de / SaKA)

In the picture, ZAKA volunteers carry the body of 20 years old Oleg Shchaiat, who went missing on July 21st

Near the Israeli-Arab village of Kfar Kana, just north of Nazareth in the lower Galil, searchers found the body of Oleg Shchaiat this morning. Thus came to a tragic end a week of an intense investigation into the sudden disappearance of the soldier. The police and Shabak surmise that Oleg, 20, was kidnapped by Arabs who murdered him shortly afterwards. Left mostly unsaid is the suspicion that it was Israeli-Arabs who perpetrated the crime.

Shchaiat, who is survived by his parents and his brother Adam, is the 35th victim of what some have dubbed the Road Map War, beginning after the Aqaba Summit on June 3, 2003.

Northern District Police Chief Yaakov Borovsky said it was Oleg's quick thinking that helped the police find his body. It is assumed that the murderers killed him shortly after abducting him, but Oleg managed to throw off his dog tag and beret - the discovery of which helped lead investigators find the olive-tree orchard in which he was shot and buried.

Oleg Shchaiat joins a list of some 20 soldiers who have been abducted and murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the past two decades. The list includes David Bukara, Avi Sasportas, Hadas Kedmi, Ilan Saadon, Nissim Toledano, Aryeh Frankental, Nachshon Wachsman, and others.

For More Information, Please Contact Matis M Zahav: 1-718-972-9304


hagalil.com 29-07-2003

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