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Service of the
Recommendations for preparations for an emergency situation

1. In view of the security situation and the preparations of the home front for an emergency situation, it is recommended that you prepare the individual shelter in your home, according to the suggestions listed below:

 • The shelter is to be cleaned and aired and emptied of any heavy and superfluous equipment.

 • Ventilation, sewage and electrical systems should be checked.

 • Entries, exits and emergency exits should be put in order.

 • All inflammable materials must be removed from the vicinity.

 • Blast-proof doors and windows and the rubber seals around them should be examined.

 • Equipment needed for the shelter:

-    Personal protection kit

-    First aid kit

-    Container or bottles of drinking water

-    Fire extinguisher

-    Emergency lighting

-    Chemical toilets, if there is no toilet.

-    Battery powered radio

-    Mobile ventilator

-    Stretcher

-    Food

-    Cleaning materials and refuse bags

-    Package of personal clothes

2. If you have queries or need explanations regarding the distribution of protective kits or on technical subjects concerning upkeep of the shelters, please contact the National Data Center of the Home Front Command, phone: 1255 111.

3. To identify/search for the nearest public shelter to your home, please call Municipal Enquiries, on phone: 106.

To identify/search for the nearest public shelter to your home, please call Municipal Enquiries, on phone: 106.

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