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Ein Brief von Gila Svirsky:
Demonstrationsmarsch nach Bethlehem

Aktivisten der Friedensbewegung Taayush wollten vergangenes Wochenende einen Demonstrationsmarsch nach Bethlehem unternehmen. Sie wurden mit Wasserwerfern und berittenen Polizisten daran gehindert. Gila Svirsky berichtet von den Ereignissen. Ami Isseroff (PEACE Middle East Dialog Group) erklärte dazu:

"As an Israeli, I am quite ashamed that a peaceful demonstration was prevented by force. However, I have a personal problem now, because I need a way to explain what my government did to Palestinian friends, and why they did it.

What I need is help from all the right wing Zionists and from the Israeli government, who keep repeating that there are no partners for peace and no Palestinians who want peace. Please explain to me, and also to journalists and just folks around the world, what was the point of preventing this demonstration.

* Did the Israeli government think that the sight of mounted men whipping demonstrators is good for the image of Israel?
* Doesn't the Israeli government want to encourage peace sentiment among Palestinians?
* Did the Israeli government think it was bad to show Palestinians that there are Israelis who want peace?
* Is the Israeli government afraid to show the world that there are Palestinians for peace?

An advertisement I heard on the radio boasts that there are 17000 new settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip this year. "Yesha (West Bank and Gaza) are in a momentum of settlement" Is that the "peace settlement" program of the Israeli government? Does the Labor party support this "peace settlement too?"

Thank you.

Ami Isseroff
PEACE Middle East Dialog Group

hagalil.com 12-08-02

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