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Middle East:
An open letter to Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer


Dear Sir,

In light of what at this time seems to be an unstoppable escalation in the Israel-Palestine conflict, we address you with an urgent request:

We believe that you are the only European statesman still regarded by both parties as neutral.  As such, it is likely that both parties would accept you as a mediator.

In the present situation mere appeals for peace seem to be ineffective, for the events of the past several months have hardened the positions to such an extent that both the Israelis and the Palestinians see themselves as fighting for their very existence.

It is our contention - one that is supported by conversations with people from the region - that an end can be brought to the spiral of violence only with the help of the outside world. It is now urgent and necessary to put massive pressure on both parties. We are convinced that this is possible only through your personal intervention.

Please act as quickly as possible!


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